Mohsen Abdelmoumen: How do you explain the major influence of the Zionist lobby in the United States?
Kenneth O’Keefe: Metaphorically humanity is facing a Demon who is represented by the snake and the « Head of the Snake » as I say is « the financial system ». This system is an affront to Islam and Christianity by virtue of its Usury, fractional reserve, and compounding interest system that has put the « money changers » at the top of a Matrix, a Pyramid System that relegates most of humanity to the status of a wage slave or worse yet, out an out slave. American “debt” is now 35 trillion dollars! Who is this debt owed to? Debt is not just the case for America but the world. In America, similar to the rest of the world again, we see AIPAC (American Israeli Political Affairs Committee) literally bragging about how virtually every « democratic representative » of the American Republic/people is bought and paid for by AIPAC. Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney explained what I am saying by “The Pledge” all the American traitors serving Israel must make to give Israel anything and everything AIPAC/Israel wants. And they do, to the point that currently US taxpayers send their hard-earned money to Israel in the amount of 49 million dollars a day. Meanwhile there is an epidemic of homeless people in America, including many of my fellow US veterans, inflation is sky high, jobs are few and far between, foreclosures on homes are going higher and higher, etc., since then all of them have been traitors serving a hostile foreign entity and thus should be hung according to the Constitution that makes Treason a capital offense. The last President to confront this perverse, politically corrupt system was John F. Kennedy.
What real influence do the neoconservatives have on political decision-making in the United States? And who is the neocons’ candidate in the next presidential election: Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?
« Neocon » or « neoconservative » simply means Jewish Agent or a bought and paid-for stooge for Israel. Most of them are Jewish but there are plenty of « Goyim » (non-Jews) who have either been bribed or flown with Jewish Lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, former President Bill Clinton or Prince Andrew on the « Lolita Express » to a private island in the US Virgin Islands where drugs and sex were offered with underage children and all of this was captured on video so as to control said politicians and people of power. This is a Mossad operation, they flew on the private plane of Jeffrey Epstein (Jewish), who worked for Les Wexner (Jewish Billionaire), who all worked for and with Israeli Mossad. The videotapes of these child rapists who happen to be our “democratically” elected “representatives” explains why virtually all US Politicians are effectively Jewish Agents and guilty of treason according to the law I took an Oath to “protect and defend” as a nineteen year-old US Marine in 1989.
Exceptions to this scheme are few and far between, Thomas Massey is one, Jill Stein is another, Ron Paul in was a noble candidate in the past. None of them however have any chance in hell of winning in our rigged elections and even if they did they would be drowned in a sea of treason and corruption. But I have called our “elections” what they are for two decades now, « selections » by those in power and I have never once voted in this sham system because I, unlike almost everyone else it seems, did not consider “voting for the lesser of two evils” an acceptable state of affairs. Trump and Harris work for Israel, so it hardly matters who « wins », but if you are asking me what will happen in what I call a « Dog & Pony Show » that provides a ridiculous illusion of choice, I reckon there is a good chance a false flag will be used to suspend the « elections » with the US Constitution/Bill of Rights being suspended and martial law being declared to usher in a full Communist/Zionist/Jewish system. If that does not happen, Trump will be selected.
« This evil antisemitic attack is an assault on all of us…the scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and cannot be allowed to continue… Through the centuries the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know this, we’ve all read it, we’ve studied it…and those seeking their destruction, we will seek THEIR destruction.” Donald Trump (2018)
In context this was a quote Trump gave after an attack on a synagogue in 2018
Don’t you think the United States is heading for civil war?
The US is purposely being imploded by the very same agents of destruction I am speaking of, the Jewish State of Israel is intended to be the next Empire within what is known as ‘Greater Israel’. Along this path American status as a superpower is dying, and millions of migrants including the worst type of criminals just like the invasion of Russia, which most falsely believe to be a ‘Russian Revolution’ (1917). This socially engineered chaos has the same financiers as the Bolshevik Invasion of Russia that led to the death and destruction of Islam and Christianity in Russia and its replacement with Communism, which is a Jewish creation. So my answer is yes, America experienced the total collapse of its currency just like Weimar Germany experienced in the post-1929 banker’s crash (Great Depression) of the financial system in which millions starved not only in Germany but the United States and indeed around the world. Combine that with mercenaries who are not US citizens but recently arrived across the Southern border who are well armed and funded similar to ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Services) who famously has US weapons, and vehicles and even received Israeli medical attention when they were murdering Muslims in the Middle East but never once attacked Israel, that is the type of bloodletting chaos we can expect to see in my birth nation.
How can Israel commit genocide with impunity? What value does international law still have today in a world where the strongest crush the smallest? Are we not living in the law of the jungle?
I made a film for Press TV entitled ‘Impunity in the Nuclear Age’ over a decade ago, I explained much of what I have said above and where this is going, World War III/Nuclear Armageddon. I am not happy to be right about any of this but then, as now, many will reject what I am saying as a « conspiracy theory » or some other CIA-created tactic to manipulate people into thinking our so-called « Western Civilization » is anything other than pure hypocrisy and if accurately described, barbaric. This is because the « enemy inside the gate » has taken control and if you want to see how this enemy feels about the rest of humanity, or the Goyim to be more precise, look no further than Gaza with the burning, buried bodies of tens of thousands of children and according to the British Medical journal the Lancet, somewhere like 200,000 dead and Gaza in ruins. They have the same plan for the rest of us Goyim. Otherwise, I ask all the so-called experts to explain why all of our politicians, including many Arab leaders, have given a free pass for Israel to conduct itself with impunity ever since its unlawful creation by a morally bankrupt United Nations in 1948? I am waiting for an answer that explains it better than I am here.
Israel massacres an entire people with impunity and attacks states. Where does it get its strength from? It is a sad fact that fake Muslims and fake Christians who defy one of, if not the greatest tenant of Islam and Christianity ignore that Usury and the banking system is the head of the snake that has enslaved and corrupted humanity for centuries at minimum and even longer if you look at how Jesus came out of the Temple, saw the money changer/banksters of his day, was furious and upturned their tables, splashing their dirty money all over the place and literally whipping them in a rage. We did not listen to Jesus, or the tenets of our religion or God if you ask me and the world we see run by Jewish power is what we have as a result. The entire thing is shameful. A man named Adolf confronted that system, and he beat that system, but those running our world, controlling our media, Hollywood, politicians, academia, etc., they tell us Adolf was evil, they say all sorts of this, and I reject all of it. Because Truth is God and God is Truth and I will be damned before I enter the folly of human stupidity and cowardice just because everyone else is doing it. I have read Mein Kampf, I have studied real history, and so I ask the audience, why did Judea declare « War on Germany » and call for its destruction in 1933?
You are a courageous activist defending the just cause of the Palestinian people. What is the impact on international public opinion of the demonstrations taking place in the West against the massacre of the Palestinian people by the criminal Zionist entity of Israel?
The only positive is that people have woken up to many necessary truths, but my family in Gaza/Palestine are starving and dying the most horrific deaths and I am saddened and outraged and ashamed of how we sat by and did nothing while the writing was more than on the wall. Anything short of arrest warrants for all the genocide agents in Israel, Western facilitators, weapons manufacturers, Blackrock, Vanguard, Lockheed Martin, all of the « Military Industrial Complex » and most of all the bankers using Usury to enslave us is unacceptable if you ask me. International Treaty Laws need to be enforced, the pedophiles raping our children and running to Israel need to be brought to justice, every crime must be lawfully, evidentially prosecuted and convictions that go beyond any reasonable doubt of guilt must happen for the necessary healing that only justice can provide.
Hasn’t the Zionist entity of Israel lost the information war?
Arrogance is a weakness, I know this as a fighter, and Israel/Jewish arrogance has exposed them irreversibly. The question is what are we Goyim going to do about it?
Isn’t the heightened awareness we’re seeing today concerning the Zionist entity of Israel and its crimes the result of your involvement, particularly in the Gaza flotilla and the ‘Road to Hope’ aid convoy to Gaza?
I have played my part and for that, I am a blessed man. My mission has and remains a better world for all, thus far I have failed in this mission but it is always darkest before the dawn. I will fight and die before I will ever submit to this madness and if I survive, if I am able to retire, it will only be because I feel good about the world we hand to our children and future generations. Anything less than this requires me to die in the fight.
Why is it that every time someone fights for the just cause of the Palestinian people against the ignominious crimes of the Zionist entity of Israel, he or she is called an anti-Semite? Hasn’t the anti-Semitism we’re always fed become the perfect alibi for Zionist propaganda?
The Palestinians are the true semites and that is why Israel has outlawed DNA testing in Israel… it would prove they all come from Europe. But that is how much power the Jews have, they have twisted the meaning of language to reverse the facts of who is a Semite. That’s power.
Do you think we’re heading for all-out war?
Right now, we are in WWIII, but mark my words, Israel is done! Israel has a population of dual-national cowards and they are running to Europe and America and South America and Asia so get ready world, this parasitic force that called Palestinians « human animals » are fleeing their criminal, Zionist, Jewish supremacist state of genocide and coming back to pervert and destroy your nation. Nonetheless, the Jewish State of Israel is done. And as I have warned humanity, like a broken record, the question becomes, will they exercise the « Sampson Option »?
What does Algeria’s unwavering support for the just cause of the Palestinian people mean to you?
God Bless the Algerian people for giving real and immeasurable support for Palestine, especially in comparison to the rest of the Arab world. God Bless Algeria for surviving the French Genocide that murdered perhaps 10 million of you. God Bless you all and as one Western citizen, I apologize for the criminality and insanity of Western society.
You’re currently working on a book. Can you tell us more about it?
I am writing as I have been living, for Truth, Justice and if I am so blessed, Peace. The title may will be TJP but I do not know as yet. God willing, I will survive the attacks and possible prison time in the UK for speaking truth to power and if I do I guarantee my book(s) will shed light on not only what is wrong in our world, but most important of all, what the solutions are. I would ask people to get on my mailing. list to be able to purchase an advanced copy of my books at https://kenokeefe.com/. To all the good people out there, don’t give up the fight, either die in the battle as Yahya Sinwar so magnificently did or be one of the descendants of future generations who are loved because we liberated humanity from the scourge of humanity and provided a just peace for all. I am happy to do either and send my love to all those in the battle as well. TJP
Interview realized by Mohsen Abdelmoumen
Who is Ken O’Keefe ?
Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe is an American activist naturalized Irish, Palestinian and Hawaiian. He is also a former Marine who served in the 1991 Gulf War and subsequently denounced the use of depleted uranium as a crime against humanity and the US army’s use of soldiers as human guinea pigs with experimental drugs directly linked to Gulf War syndrome. A US-born citizen, he set fire to his US passport a few months after 11 September 2001, and declared on CNN that the US government was directly involved in the 11 September attacks. He is best known for leading the human shield action in Iraq and as a passenger on the MV Mavi Marmara, where he helped defend the ship and disarm two Israeli commandos during the Gaza flotilla raid. He set up a marine conservation social enterprise to protect and defend the marine environment in Hawaii. He also joined an anti-whaling campaign during which he was injured while attempting to salvage a boat belonging to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as a member of the crew. He eventually became regional director of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in Hawaii. In October 2010, O’Keefe joined the ‘Road to Hope’ humanitarian aid convoy bound for Gaza where he met Ismail Haniyeh. He also took part in a major conference in Tehran in 2012. He has been interviewed by RT, Al Jazeera and PressTV, among others, and appeared on Thierry Ardisson’s show, where he clashed with French neocon Romain Goupil.
His official website: https://kenokeefe.com/